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MIRRI-IT Scientist visiting MIRRI-ES HeadQuarters

UMCC Curator Luciana De Vero is hosted at the Colección Española de Cultivos Tipo (CECT) for 1 week.

Her visit is allowed in the context of the Erasmus+ staff mobility for training. The training targets mainly the improvement of the quality management system of Unimore Microbial Culture Collection (UMCC), which will promote the relations with other BRCs and Microbial Culture Collections across Europe.

More opportunities are sought in the near future in the context of the Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure MIRRI.

3 years PhD position at UMCC

The Unimore Microbial Culture Collection is seeking a candidate for a 3 years PhD program research.

Efficient preservation and availability of polyphasic data of microorganisms in culture collections is mandatory both for academic and industrial purposes. This PhD project aims at developing targeted procedures to map strains features of industrial interest. The candidate should have microbiology and bioinformatics skills, ability in using MS Access or PostgreSQL or MySQL for the implementation of biological Databases and good English language knowledge.

1 (one) position with grant. The monthly grant allowance is about 1,250.00 €.

Scientific tutor: Prof. Andrea Pulvirenti. Co-tutor: Dr. Luciana De Vero

The selected candidate will be involved in the following tasks:

  • Management of microbial cultures and online databases;
  • Polyphasic characterization of microbial cultures;
  • Certification for culture collections and implementation of the correspondent quality management system;
  • Monitoring of international legislation pertinent to BRCs.

Applicants should provide a motivation letter, CV and any other document considered relevant to until June 30, 2019.

Write to:
Luciana De Vero: luciana.devero@unimore.it and Andrea Pulvirenti: andrea.pulvirenti@unimore.it

Detailed info for the application here:
https://www.unimore.it/AZdoc/CallPhDEnglishXXXVINTERNET.pdf; https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/411127.

Corso ECM Protocollo di Nagoya

Presso la sede di Legnaro (Padova) dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe), ente associato a MIRRI-IT, si terrà il prossimo Mercoledì 29 maggio 2019 un corso accreditato ECM su “Scambio di risorse genetiche. Protocollo di Nagoya e la normativa europea”.

I principi del Protocollo di Nagoya, ripresi da due Regolamenti Europei (n. 511/2014 e n. 1866/2015), con diretta applicazione in Europa e in Italia, dettano nuove regole e obblighi per gli utilizzatori di risorse genetiche e conoscenze tradizionali associate garantendo una giusta ed equa ripartizione dei benefici derivanti dal loro utilizzo.

L’evento si propone di fornire informazioni sui contenuti e principi del Protocollo di Nagoya e dei Regolamenti Europei con presentazione di casi studio ed è quindi di forte interesse per tutte le collezioni.

Per maggiori informazioni e per la registrazione fate riferimento al sito https://www.izsvenezie.it/corso-ecm-scambio-risorse-genetiche-protocollo-nagoya-normativa-europea .

CFP: Preservation, Characterization and Exploitation of Microbial Biodiversity

Call for a Special Issue on

Preservation, Characterization and Exploitation of Microbial Biodiversity of Agri-Food and Environmental Interest

to be published in the journal

(ISSN 2076-2607, tracked for IF).

Prepare an original research or review paper to this exciting project.

  • Send a short abstract or tentative title to the Editorial Office at microorganisms@mdpi.com by March 20, 2019.
  • Submit your manuscript as soon as it is ready, until the deadline of 30 September 2019.

Microorganisms is a newly SCIE indexed journal, and will receive its first ISI Impact Factor in June 2019. An estimated IF is around 3 (or higher). High Visibility is provided by citations available in PubMed and SCIE (http://www.mdpi.com/journal/microorganisms/indexing).

Microorganisms is an open-access journal. A nominal article processing charge of 1000 CHF, covering unlimited length and number of figures, colours included, will be required.

For more information, see: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/microorganisms/special_issues/biodiversity_agri-food_environment.
Authors’ instructions at: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/microorganisms/instructions.
Contact email: imannazzu@uniss.it.

Guest Editors
Ilaria Mannazzu, Marilena Budroni, Giacomo Zara and Severino Zara
Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy

Welcome to eight further associated members

The Joint Research Unit is growing fast!

In its last meeting in Reggio Emilia, by the site of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, on February 21, 2019, the General Assembly of MIRRI-IT has approved the requests for becoming associated members of eight Italian institutions.

The Joint Research Unit MIRRI-IT is welcoming the following bodies as Associated members:

  • Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (DBA-UNIROMA1),
  • Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences, University of Palermo (SAAF-UNIPA),
  • Università di Genova (UNIGE),
  • Università di Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB),
  • Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive “Lazzaro Spallanzani” (INMI),
  • Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna “Bruno Ubertini” (IZSLER),
  • Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVE),
  • Agenzia Regionale per la Ricerca in Agricoltura – AGRIS Sardegna (AGRIS).

Further information on the activities of new members will be added in the web site soon.

All Italian Institutions willing to become associated members of MIRRI-IT will find all information on the relative procedure in this web site. See the section Documents, under the Organization menu item, for the General Laws of the Joint Research Unit.

New Associated members

In its last meeting, held in Rome on December 14, 2018, the General Assembly of MIRRI-IT has approved the requests for becoming associated members of five Italian institutions.

The Joint Research Unit is therefore welcoming the following Institutions as new Associated members:

Further information on the activities of new members will be added in the web site soon.

All Italian Institutions willing to become associated members of MIRRI-IT will find all information on the relative procedure in this web site. See the section Documents, under the Organization menu item, for the General Laws of the Joint Research Unit.

The next deadline for the submission of requests has been fixed on February 10, 2019. Requests must be submitted by email to the coordinator of MIRRI-IT at coordinatore@mirri-it.it.

New presentation on MIRRI-IT available

A new presentation has been made available in the Publications page.

Read the “The ESFRI project MIRRI” presentation given by Cristina Varese, Coordinator of MIRRI-IT, at last workshop on “Matching fungal conservation in Italy: the current state and future challenges“, held in Rome on November 30, 2018.

MIRRI Statutory Seat announced

MIRRI has announced that Portugal and Spain will be the host countries of MIRRI’s headquarters.

MIRRI will be established as a not-for-profit legal entity following a distributed model with a Central Coordination Unit (CCU) accommodating the operational headquarters and the national nodes bringing together the partners and stakeholders in each member country. MIRRI will facilitate the access to a broad range of high quality bioresources and data in a legal compliant way. By offering access to human expertise and providing a collaborative platform MIRRI will support research and development in the field of biotechnology and generate solutions to societal challenges by stimulating interaction between academia and bioindustry.

MIRRI CCU will consist of two distributed sections:

  • Statutory Seat located in Portugal (University of Minho, Braga)<(li>
  • Collaborative Working Environment hub operated from Spain (University of Valencia, Paterna) and supported by LifeWatch-Spain, a closely related e-infrastructure

After the preparatory phase (2012-2016), funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 312251, MIRRI is now entering in a construction phase. The 1st step submission for the MIRRI-European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) application is scheduled for September 2018, in view of having MIRRI legally established by the end of 2019.

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