EuroMiRC Advanced Studies Course
EuroMiRC Advanced Studies Course first edition

Applicants can submit their proposals from February 6th to February 15th, 2023
The European Advanced Studies Course on Microbial Resource Centres (EuroMiRC) aims to create a new generation of highly qualified professionals that will work in microbial Culture Collections (CC) or in the more advanced concept of Microbial Resource Centres (mBRCs).
General objectives of EuroMiRC
EuroMiRC intends to impact beyond the borders of CC/mBRCs by covering competencies required at different phases of the CC/mBRCs lifecycle. The EuroMiRC curricula program is designed to:
- integrate scienticompetenciesnces and management skills to access, preserve and supply microbial genetic resources and other related services;
- disseminate skills on management of Microbial Resources Centres under quality control standards and in compliance with the legal frameworks;
- appraise the valorization chain of the microbial diversity long-term preservation.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
- explain the role of CC/mBRCs resources as an asset for the advancement of life sciences and biotechnology;
- describe the most frequent long-term microbial preservation methods;
- formulate strategies to implement a long-term microbial preservation plan;
- design operation strategies taking into consideration the long-term impact of quality control and risk assessment at CC/mBRC;
- implement strategies on CC/mBRC to fitness for the intended purpose under different legal, standards and regulatory requirements;
- recognize the different options to apply information technologies and data management tools to CC/mBRC.
Who should apply?
The EuroMiRC vision is to develop a new generation of CC/mBRCs professionals who recognize the necessity of undergoing advanced training to acquire state-of-the-art technical and managerial skills tailored to provide and perform better CC/mBRCs services to the user communities.
EuroMiRC is primarily aimed at:
- Doctoral students (3rd cycle);
- Post-doctoral researchers;
- and any professionals that want to acquire high-level international and management-oriented competencies in Microbial Resources Centres.
Course fees for the first edition can be waived under the IS_MIRRI21 project.
How will EuroMiRC function?
The course is hosted by the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal) and will take place in blended learning (b-learning) format between March 1st and July 14th, 2023.
To access detailed information on the course program and the application process, visit the page on IS MIRRI website:
MIRRI-IS Pairwise alignment movie
A new instruction movie showing how to use the pairwise alignment on the MIRRI-IS website has been made available.
See also the list of available instruction movies.
Introductory workshop to the Nagoya Protocol
Or maybe you are still not sure if it is relevant to you?
If you are doing research with biological material in the European Union (excluding human DNA), you need to understand the basics of the Nagoya Protocol!
Together with the German Nagoya Protocol HuB (GNP-HuB), EVA GLOBAL will be co-hosting an interactive online workshop for “newbies” (beginners) to the Nagoya Protocol. You’ll learn about the Nagoya Protocol and its real-world implications for you as a researcher.
During the workshop, you will go step by step through what researchers need to do. You will hear about the user checks that have already started in the EU, Nagoya requirements from journals, and tools and tips already available, with plenty of time for you to get involved and ask questions.
This event will take place on Tuesday, April 27th from 09:00 to 11:30 CET!
You can register HERE using our online registration form.
Corso su Accreditamento UNI ISO 20387:2019
i requisiti della norma e i regolamenti Accredia
Durata: 12 ore (3 sessioni di 4 ore)
Date: 21, 28 aprile e 5 maggio 2021
Saranno introdotti i principi generali che contraddistinguono un sistema di gestione per la qualità, discussi i requisiti specifici previsti dalla norma UNI ISO 20387:2019 e i regolamenti Accredia, al fine di poter ottenere l’accreditamento della biobanca. L’obiettivo del corso sarà perseguito tramite lezioni frontali fornendo inoltre approfondimenti specifici e tecnici: ciò permetterà lo sviluppo di strumenti operativi direttamente applicabili alle realtà delle singole biobanche per intraprendere il percorso di progettazione e implementazione di un sistema qualità conforme alla norma e ai requisiti per l’accreditamento. Previsto esame finale e rilascio di attestato di superamento prova di apprendimento.
COSTO: € 390 + IVA a partecipante
Per ogni ulteriore partecipante della stessa azienda è previsto uno sconto del 10%
Per informazioni: corso-UNIISO20387-Biobanche_ed2_ONLINE.pdf
EMMRI – Call for applications

The “Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructures” (EMMRI) is an International management development Programme jointly developed by European Research Infrastructures in the context of the RItrain EU funded project and tailored to the specific needs of Research Infrastructures.
It is designed to give experienced science professionals the skills and knowledge they need to take on greater managerial responsibilities.
Please refer to the following document for an overview: EMMRI III Master programme at a glance.
For further information:
- visit or
- get in touch with Lorenzo Merignati, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano (email:
Corso ECM Protocollo di Nagoya
I principi del Protocollo di Nagoya, ripresi da due Regolamenti Europei (n. 511/2014 e n. 1866/2015), con diretta applicazione in Europa e in Italia, dettano nuove regole e obblighi per gli utilizzatori di risorse genetiche e conoscenze tradizionali associate garantendo una giusta ed equa ripartizione dei benefici derivanti dal loro utilizzo.
L’evento si propone di fornire informazioni sui contenuti e principi del Protocollo di Nagoya e dei Regolamenti Europei con presentazione di casi studio ed è quindi di forte interesse per tutte le collezioni.
Per maggiori informazioni e per la registrazione fate riferimento al sito .