Category Archives: MIRRI-ERIC
ICCC15 Announcement
MUM and MIRRI will organise the next ICCC15 in Braga
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The Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM), in collaboration with the Chilean Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO), the IS_MIRRI21 EU project (https://ismirri21.mirri.org/), MIRRI-ERIC (https://www.mirri.org/), the Portuguese microBiological Resource Centre Network / MIRRI-PT Node (Pt-mBRCN, https://mbrcn.pt/), the Portuguese Society of Microbiology (SPM, https://spmicrobiologia.wordpress.com/) and the Portuguese Society of Biotechnology (SPBT, https://www.spbt.pt/), is very pleased to announce that the next 15th International Conference on Culture Collections (ICCC15) will be held in Braga, from 12 to 16 June 2023. |
The ICCC is a regular conference organised by the World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC, https://www.wfcc.info/) which represents 832 Culture Collections from 78 Countries and Regions, and collectively preserved more than 3.3 million microorganisms available for different user communities.
MUM is very proud to host this international conference with the motto “Exploiting Microbial Resources to Support Social Wellbeing” and that is for the first time organised by Portugal. MUM over the years has been involved in the Executive Board (EB) of WFCC making significant contributions to the progress of the state-of-the-art long-term management of microbial preservation. Currently, the MUM Quality Manager is a member of the EB.
As President of the Local Organised Committee, prof. Nelson Lima invites everybody to save the dates 12-16 June on his agenda and wishes that their participation and contributions will enrich the scientific programme that will be available soon.
Executive Director of MIRRI-ERIC: Vacancy
Vacancy details
Executive Director of MIRRI-ERIC
Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium
Application deadline: 1 February 2023
Envisaged start date: May – June 2023
Duration: Contract with indefinite duration, subject to periodic evaluations
Working hours: full time
Compensation: between 65 and 75k€ gross annual salary, subject to negotiation and according to experience.
Employer: MIRRI-ERIC
Location: MIRRI-ERIC Central Coordinating Unit University of Minho, Campus of Gualtar Pedagogic Complex 3, Floor 0
4710-057 Braga, Portugal
Responsible to: MIRRI-ERIC Assembly of Members
The Executive Director will receive a mandate from the MIRRI-ERIC Assembly of Members, in the form of a service commission contract, as foreseen in the Portuguese Labour Code (articles 161 to 164), stating his/her role, duties and compensation. The Executive Director will be supervising the MIRRI-ERIC Central Coordinating Unit (CCU) staff including Secretary, Project Manager, Access Officer, IT Officer, and other positions that may be opened in the future.
General summary
The Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure (MIRRI-ERIC) is the pan-European distributed Research Infrastructure for the preservation, systematic investigation, provision and valorisation of microbial resources and biodiversity.
Included in the ESFRI roadmap since 2010, MIRRI is constituted as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) by the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/1204 of 16 June 2022.
MIRRI-ERIC brings together the microbial domain Biological Resource Centres (mBRCs), culture collections and research institutes from its Member and Observer countries. MIRRI-ERIC serves the bioscience and the bioindustry communities by facilitating the access, through a single point, to the broadest range of high-quality microorganisms, their derivatives, associated data and services, with a special focus on the domains of Health & Food, Agro-Food, and Environment & Energy.
By serving its users, by collaborating with other research infrastructures and by working with public authorities and policy makers, MIRRI-ERIC contributes to the advancement of research and innovation in life sciences and biotechnology, as well as for a sustainable, competitive and resilient bioeconomy. MIRRI-ERIC envisions a greener, healthier and more sustainable world, based on the preservation, study and valorisation of microbial resources and biodiversity.
Presently MIRRI-ERIC has 5 Members: Belgium, France, Latvia, Portugal and Spain. During 2023, MIRRI- ERIC will start the operational phase of its Central Coordinating Unit.
The governing board of MIRRI-ERIC is the Assembly of the Members (AoM).
Role of the Executive Director
The Executive Director (ED) is the legal representative of MIRRI-ERIC.
It is expected that the ED will be an enthusiast, highly motivated and ambitious professional with the experience to achieve progress and contribute to the development of MIRRI-ERIC´s vision, strategy and plans.
Working under the direction of the AoM, the ED shall guide and supervise the operations of the Central Coordinating Unit, coordinate the National Nodes, build and strengthen strategic partnerships and liaise with internal and external stakeholders to achieve the goals of MIRRI-ERIC.
The ED shall represent and manage the research infrastructure, both operationally and administratively and ensure that MIRRI-ERIC operations comply at all times with its Statutes. The ED shall develop strong links with existing and future MIRRI-ERIC Members, and interact with their ministries, funding bodies, policy makers and other key opinion leaders, for the evolvement of MIRRI- ERIC.
Responsibilities and duties
The Executive Director shall:
- lead and administrate MIRRI-ERIC including the Central Coordinating Unit (CCU);
- appoint and dismiss staff of the CCU;
- prepare, in cooperation with the National Coordinators Forum, decisions, programs, policies and reports for adoption by the Assembly of Members;
- implement decisions, programs and policies adopted by the Assembly of Members;
- request extraordinary meetings of the Assembly of Members;
- prepare the agenda and the minutes of all Assembly of Members meetings for approval by the Assembly of Members, with the assistance of the CCU staff;
- prepare and submit the annual report and audited accounts, for approval by the Assembly of Members;
- prepare and submit to the Assembly of Members proposals for the strategy on the collaboration with other Research Infrastructures;
- present the proposals from aspiring new Members or Observers in order to recommend admission to MIRRI-ERIC;
- evaluate, together with the Advisory Board, the National Node and Partners of new Members according to the principles defined in the Partner Charter;
- chair the National Coordinators Forum;
- provide to the Assembly of Members:
- at the end of each financial year the draft Work Program including the budget for the following financial year, which shall include all expected revenues and expense items;
- at the beginning of each financial year, a statement of the audited account of the previous year.
- Organise, every 5 years, the scientific evaluation of MIRRI-ERIC activities, services and platforms;
- Promote the activities of MIRRI-ERIC and their use in research, innovative projects and higher research;
- Acquire additional third-party funds for MIRRI-ERIC, including through the application for European projects.
Required qualifications & competences
- PhD or equivalent experience in science (Life Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, Agricultural and Food Sciences, Biotechnology, Bioengineering, Microbiology or similar areas);
- At least 3 years of experience in “Director” / “Chief Officer” roles, including responsibilities in executive affairs, strategic planning and reporting, financial administration, operations, network building, business development or staff/team management;
- Relevant knowledge on the overall functioning of microbial domain Biological Resource Centres (mBRCs), culture collections or other types of biorepositories;
- Experience on setting up and/or managing relevant collaborative projects between public (Academia) and private (Industry) organisations;
- Excellent communication and public relations skills;
- Proficiency in at least two European languages including excellent spoken and written English;
- Experience on interacting with public authorities and governmental agencies and on participating in relevant policy-making fora.
Desired competences:
- Experience, in the last 5 years, in management of multinational, distributed Research Infrastructures, including ERICs in the ESFRI Roadmap Health & Food domain;
- Relevant knowledge on the ESFRI landscape and EU framework programmes;
- Knowledge/experience on intellectual property rights and knowledge/technology transfer;
- Knowledge/experience on management systems (e.g. ISO);
- Knowledge/experience on marketing and communication affairs and resources;
- Elementary/intermediate proficiency in Portuguese and Spanish.
Expected Soft skills
- Integrity
- Effective communication
- Leadership and teamwork
Working conditions
- The general place of work will be an office environment at the University of Minho, Campus of Gualtar, Braga, Portugal.
- The work will include regular travel within Europe and some travel outside Europe.
- Occasionally an extended work schedule is necessary due to travel, meeting attendance, and other time sensitive activities.
Selection procedure
- Applications should be addressed to the Chair of the MIRRI-ERIC AoM, (Eric Guittet) and submitted by email to recruitment@mirri.org as a single pdf file (max 4 MB) including CV, evidence of meeting the required and desirable competences, cover letter, and a presentation of how the candidate plan to manage and develop MIRRI-ERIC;
- The deadline for applications is 1 February 2023;
- All enquiries about this job posting should be sent to recruitment@mirri.org
Shortlisted applicants will be notified after 15 February 2023 and interviews will take place in March 2023. The envisaged start date is May – June 2023.
The initial probationary period is 180 days.
An international MIRRI-ERIC Search Committee has been established that will advise the AoM in the selection of candidates.
MIRRI-ERIC is committed to equality of opportunity and shall not discriminate against any person on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, gender, creed, disability, sexual orientation or any other ground.
Applications are encouraged from citizens of the European Union and associated countries.
Project SUS-MIRRI.IT funded by Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan
Microbial biobanks in Italy launch a €17M project to strengthen their activities in line with the country’s participation in MIRRI-ERIC
Torino (Italy) and Braga (Portugal), 14 November 2022
The project “Strengthening the MIRRI Italian Research Infrastructure for Sustainable Bioscience and Bioeconomy” (SUS-MIRRI.IT) is launched today, in Torino (Italy), as part of the actions oriented towards Italy’s membership (the country is currently a prospective Member) of MIRRI-ERIC, the pan-European distributed Research Infrastructure for the preservation, systematic investigation, provision and valorisation of microbial resources and biodiversity.
The project SUS-MIRRI.IT, funded by Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan – PNRR, is granted by the European Commission’s NextGenerationEU programme with a total budget of about €17M. It is coordinated by the University of Torino and involves 14 other institutions: CNR, ENEA, OGS, the Universities of Cagliari, Genoa, Milano Bicocca, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Naples Federico II, Palermo, Perugia, Parma, Sassari, Verona and the University of Basilicata.
The general objective of SUS-MIRRI.IT is to implement the network of microbial biobanks distributed throughout Italy to increase the benefit that society can derive from the knowledge and valorisation of microbial biodiversity, which is a critical asset to face several of the greatest social, economic and environmental challenges that characterize our time. The specific goals of the project are: i) the implementation of infrastructures and quality management of microbial biobanks and related metadata; ii) the development of services and training courses for Academia and Bioindustry; iii) the creation of a national platform to promote the national catalogue of microorganisms and their metadata; and iv) provide access to available state-of-the-art technologies and services, making the infrastructure easily accessible to different types of users.
The project will be developed along 30 months, in close articulation with the work program of MIRRI-ERIC.
Giovanna Cristina Varese, the Coordinator of SUS-MIRRI.IT, said that “This project is a great chance for the Italian microbiological community. We will use the funds to raise the quality of Italian microbial biobanks to provide innovative services to the scientific and industrial community, thus fostering Bioscience and Bioeconomy in Italy and abroad”.
According to its Executive Director, Luís Soares, “MIRRI-ERIC congratulates our colleagues in Italy for having the SUS-MIRRI.IT project approved and for its launching, and we are really looking forward to welcome Italy as a full Member of MIRRI-ERIC in the very near future.”.
The Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (MIRRI-ERIC) is the pan-European distributed Research Infrastructure for the preservation, systematic investigation, provision and valorisation of microbial resources and biodiversity. It brings together ~50 microbial domain Biological Resource Centres (mBRCs), culture collections and research institutes. MIRRI serves the bioscience and the bioindustry communities by facilitating the access, through a single point, to the broadest range of high-quality microorganisms, their derivatives, associated data and services, with a special focus on the domains of Health & Food, Agro-Food, and Environment & Energy.
More information and contacts:
www.mirri.org | https://www.linkedin.com/company/microbial-resource-research-infrastructure/ | info@mirri.org.
#MIRRI #microbialresources #microbialdiversity #Metadata Platform
MIRRI key results
22 activities successfully run in 22 months and new ones to come
MIRRI opens 2022 reporting its key results
and unveils future strategic lines
Braga (Portugal), 04 January 2022
The Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure (MIRRI) has reported today on the key implementation and operational advances it has achieved over the past two years. These results have been on the basis of MIRRI’s recent distinction with the “Landmark” status on the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap 2021, among the leading European research infrastructures in several scientific domains, as well as sustaining MIRRI’s application to obtain the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) status, for which a decision is expected very soon.
Read more here or download the News Release.
IT Officer position for MIRRI
IT officer position available at the Spanish Type Culture Collection – University of Valencia (CECT-UV), UV Science Park, Catedràtic Agustín Escardino Benlloch, 9, Paterna, Valencia.
Gross salary 38.000 €
The contract will be bounded to the project IS_MIRRI21, funded by Horizon 2020, to implement the Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure (MIRRI).
Official call and procedure to apply: Soon available.
For contact information see below.
Estimated commencement date and duration: From November 2021 to February 2023. Prolongation possible subject to the availability of funds and extension of the project.
Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Information Systems, or a related field. Bachelor’s degree in Biology, Biotechnology or a related field.
IT officer specialized in programming and database management.
- Experience in web development tools (jQuery, Vue.js, Agilent, BootStrap, etc.)
- Experience in web programming languages (php, Python, javascript, typescript, etc.)
- Knowledge of cloud services PaaS and SaaS
- Experience in relational (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) and non-relational (MongoDB, etc.) database management systems
- Working experience in Internationally Distributed Research Infrastructures in particular, or at least in Research Infrastructures in general
- Participation in research projects related with biodiversity (preferably) or with Life Sciences (in general) would be an asset
- Proficiency in English (oral and written)
- Manage the MIRRI applications generated within the project
- Manage users according to specifications to ensure access and availability of the system resources
- Give IT support to MIRRI’s Central Coordinating Unit
- Contribute to the design of an interoperable virtual platform providing the MIRRI service offer, ensuring data privacy and security, in collaboration with the Center for Computer Graphics (CCG) based in Braga (Portugal)
- Contribute, together with CCG, in the development of a MIRRI virtual platform to compile, prepare, enrich, store and process a large amount of heterogeneous data (different sources and formats), allowing access to data services related to biological material (MIRRI-IS)
- Contribute, together with the MIRRI ICT team, to export the catalogue data of MIRRI Culture Collection partners to be incorporated into the MIRRI-IS database
- Act as a link of MIRRI-IS with CECT-UV, CCG and LifeWatch (Spain)
- Participate in the project’s tasks (assistance to meetings, elaboration of reports, etc.)
- Willingness to travel to different European cities, mainly to Braga
CONTACT: jmlopez@cect.org
Symposium on Appreciation and Conservation of Microbial Resources
MIRRI and IS_MIRRI21 will be presented by Dr. Aurora Zuzuarregui from UVEG-CECT on September 8, 2021, at 15:50 CET, at the Chilean III Symposium on Appreciation and Conservation of Microbial Resources.
The agenda can be found at: https://www.cchrgm.cl/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Programa_III_SIMP_VAL.pdf
Free registration is still open. See here.
We kindly ask you to please share this announce with your colleagues who might be interested in participating.
IS_MIRRI21 Newsletter #3 is out!
The IS_MIRRI21 Newsletter #3 has been issued.
Here are some of its highlights:
- MIRRI receives a delegation from the European Council
- Four researchers awarded with funded access to MIRRI/IS_MIRRI21 facilities in 2021
- The Joint Research Unit MIRRI-IT: status and undergoing activities
- IS_MIRRI21 and MIRRI’s participation in future events
- Successful launch of IS_MIRRI21/MIRRI two matchmaking events
- IS_MIRRI21 partners organize a public event for the World Microbiome Day 2021!
- MIRRI launched its online platform at www.mirri.org
Register today and start receiving your copy of the IS_MIRRI21 Newsletters by email.
IS_MIRRI21 Newsletters intend to present the project to its wide-ranging target audiences and inform them about the relevant activities within the project and the achievements that the consortium expects to go in the direction of MIRRI’s stakeholders’ interests and aspirations.
IS_MIRRI21 challenges the users to communicate with it to continue strengthening the MIRRI community as never before and visit its website and social media to stay updated on IS_MIRRI21’s activities.
See all IS_MIRRI21 Newsletters here.
Up to today, three issues have been delivered and you can reach them singularly:
Newsletter #1
Newsletter #2
Newsletter #3
IT officer position for MIRRI
IT officer position available at the Spanish Type Culture Collection – University of Valencia (CECT-UV), UV Science Park, Valencia.
The contract will be bounded to the project IS_MIRRI21, funded by Horizon 2020, to implement the Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure (MIRRI)
Estimated duration: from October 2021 to February 2023. Prolongation possible subject to the availability of funds and extension of the project. Gross salary 38,000 € / year.
Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Information Systems, or a related field.
Bachelor’s degree in Biology, Biotechnology or a related field.
Official call and procedure to apply: https://links.uv.es/cect2/IT_Officer
See details in the official announcement leaflet.
CONTACT: jmlopez@cect.org
MIRRI @ Ecomondo

La prof.ssa Giovanna Cristina Varese, Coordinatrice di MIRRI-IT, ha introdotto MIRRI e il contributo della Joint Research Unit MIRRI-IT con la presentazione “I mille volti dei microorganismi per la salute del suolo e lo sviluppo sostenibile: il ruolo della Joint Research Unit MIRRI-IT” nell’ambito del Webinar “Il mondo dei microrganismi del suolo: una risorsa da valorizzare per proteggere e salvaguardare la salute e la qualità dei suoli agricoli, le produzioni agroalimentari e l’ambiente“, organizzato da ENEA il 9 giugno 2021 sulla Piattaforma Digitale di Ecomondo come parte delle Digital Green Weeks.
Il suolo è una risorsa naturale di grande valore che contiene la più grande quantità di biomassa vivente dell’intero pianeta. La complessa rete di interazioni che si instaurano tra la moltitudine di esseri viventi presenti nel suolo contribuisce al mantenimento del suo stato di salute ed è alla base di beni necessari alla nostra sopravvivenza.
Il webinar ha voluto essere un momento di approfondimento e confronto sugli strumenti da mettere in atto per la difesa del suolo e la valorizzazione della biodiversità microbica. Garantire e promuovere la gestione sostenibile del suolo sta diventando sempre di più una priorità strategica e un tema trasversale che collega le aree della sicurezza alimentare, del cambiamento climatico, della biodiversità e della desertificazione.
L’infrastruttura di ricerca MIRRI rappresenta la più grande infrastruttura europea che si occupa di salvaguardare la biodiversità microbica e garantire la conservazione e la distribuzione dei microorganismi per favorire la sostenibilità ambientale, sviluppo biotecnologico e crescita della bioeconomia. Consorzi microbici multifunzionali composti da diverse specie con tratti complementari o sinergici sono i candidati di eccellenza per favorire l’aumento della produttività in presenza di stress biotici e abiotici, e contrastare il degrado del suolo, riducendo l’input di pesticidi e fertilizzanti azotati. La sfida è valorizzare la biodiversità microbica del suolo per aiutare la transizione agroecologica dell’agricoltura verso sistemi che salvaguardano il suolo e forniscono diete sani e sostenibili, in grado di conciliare i bisogni umani con la salute del Pianeta.
La presentazione è accessibile tramite questo link: MIRRI @ Ecomondo (PDF, Italiano).
IS_MIRRI21 virtual events

Matchmaking for Horizon Europe opportunities and MIRRI membership
15 and 17 June 2021, 14:00 CEST
Held on the ZOOM platform
Register HERE for both events.
Organised by the University of Minho (UMinho) and Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI) in collaboration with the RI-VIS H2020 project
Key presenters
Nelson Lima (University of Minho, UMinho); Joanna Bucka-Kolendo (Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology, IAFB), Rosa Aznar (University of Valencia, UVEG-CECT), Gerard Verkleij (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen, KNAW), Isabel Carvalho Oliveira, Maria João Fernandes, Cristiana Leandro and Daniel Carapau (Portugal-Europe R&I Network, PERIN)
Implementation and Sustainability of Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure for the 21st Century (IS_MIRRI21) is a three-year project funded under the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission. IS_MIRRI21 is a scientific project that aims to establish a pan-European research infrastructure called Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure (MIRRI) as a sustainable entity with a set of its own diverse services and offers. IS_MIRRI21 took-off in February 2020 with 14 European partners and eight third parties, 20 of which are academic institutions and research infrastructures. The consortium members of IS_MIRRI21 are jointly working with the objective of alleviating the current fragmentation of bio-resource holdings and information, eliminating duplication and redundancy at the national and pan-European level.
MIRRI, as a sustainable end-product, intends to connect biological resource holders and researchers in order to facilitate the efficient delivery of resources and services and meet the needs of innovation in Life Sciences and biotechnology by driving collaboration across borders and disciplines. MIRRI is made up of more than 50 member organisations including academic institutions, microbial Biological Resource Centres (mBRCs), Culture Collections (CCs) and experts from 11 European countries (Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation and Spain). MIRRI is a non-profit RI designed through the collaboration of European research institutes, universities, culture collections and consultancy organisations with a special focus on the domains of Health & Food, Agro-Food, and Environment & Energy. MIRRI’s services and offers are supplied through the resources and expertise of its members to induce and sustain transnational cooperation and coordination in research and innovation within the sectors of Life Sciences and Biotechnology. In its present capacity, MIRRI holds over 600,000 strains of microorganisms and microbiological resources, over 70 different types of services (including training, education and consultancy offers) with more than 30 workflows and has more than 300 direct participants and beneficiaries in the organisation.
MIRRI will soon be recognised as an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) to serve users from biosciences and bioindustry by facilitating access to a broad range of high quality bioresources and data in a legally compliant way. Through collaboration with other research infrastructures and by working with public authorities and policy makers, MIRRI contributes to the advancement of research and innovation in Europe to create a sustainable, competitive and resilient bioeconomy.
Whether as an expert, a Member State, an academic institution or a culture collection, MIRRI offers its members the opportunity to be part of a large and dynamic laboratory as a whole, sharing and exchanging knowledge, providing services, gaining visibility and playing a unique role in the European scientific research and innovation landscape of Food, Health, Agriculture, Energy, Environmental Sciences and more. MIRRI’s membership is open to a range of stakeholders in the global innovation community. With the objective of exploiting MIRRI’s resources through collaboration with other RIs in Europe and Latin America thereby advancing bioscience innovation and research, these two events have been set up with the aim of presenting opportunities to bring innovation actors in Life Sciences and biotechnology to the same table. In synergy with RI-VIS, a Horizon 2020 funded project designed to increase the visibility of European research infrastructures (RIs) to new communities in Europe and beyond, IS_MIRRI21 partners and innovation actors from Research and Development (R&D) frameworks in Europe will present funding opportunities for joint collaboration in the above-mentioned domains and how to become a member of MIRRI’s network.
Both agendas for the webinar on 15 June and workshop on 17 June can be found here as well as in the web site of MIRRI-IT at Agenda of IS_MIRRI21 virtual events: Matchmaking for Horizon Europe opportunities and MIRRI membership.
Where to register?
Registration for both events is free but compulsory in order to receive the links and updates prior to the event. Registration is open until the launch of the events.
Registration link: https://forms.gle/fYr6f3rHchNjG3yF9
Contact us
For any additional information, please contact Franciscorocha@spi.pt and tedoraaibu@spi.pt.