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IS_MIRRI21 virtual events
Matchmaking for Horizon Europe opportunities and MIRRI membership
15 and 17 June 2021, 14:00 CEST
Held on the ZOOM platform
Register HERE for both events.
Organised by the University of Minho (UMinho) and Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI) in collaboration with the RI-VIS H2020 project
Key presenters
Nelson Lima (University of Minho, UMinho); Joanna Bucka-Kolendo (Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology, IAFB), Rosa Aznar (University of Valencia, UVEG-CECT), Gerard Verkleij (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen, KNAW), Isabel Carvalho Oliveira, Maria João Fernandes, Cristiana Leandro and Daniel Carapau (Portugal-Europe R&I Network, PERIN)
Implementation and Sustainability of Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure for the 21st Century (IS_MIRRI21) is a three-year project funded under the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission. IS_MIRRI21 is a scientific project that aims to establish a pan-European research infrastructure called Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure (MIRRI) as a sustainable entity with a set of its own diverse services and offers. IS_MIRRI21 took-off in February 2020 with 14 European partners and eight third parties, 20 of which are academic institutions and research infrastructures. The consortium members of IS_MIRRI21 are jointly working with the objective of alleviating the current fragmentation of bio-resource holdings and information, eliminating duplication and redundancy at the national and pan-European level.
MIRRI, as a sustainable end-product, intends to connect biological resource holders and researchers in order to facilitate the efficient delivery of resources and services and meet the needs of innovation in Life Sciences and biotechnology by driving collaboration across borders and disciplines. MIRRI is made up of more than 50 member organisations including academic institutions, microbial Biological Resource Centres (mBRCs), Culture Collections (CCs) and experts from 11 European countries (Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation and Spain). MIRRI is a non-profit RI designed through the collaboration of European research institutes, universities, culture collections and consultancy organisations with a special focus on the domains of Health & Food, Agro-Food, and Environment & Energy. MIRRI’s services and offers are supplied through the resources and expertise of its members to induce and sustain transnational cooperation and coordination in research and innovation within the sectors of Life Sciences and Biotechnology. In its present capacity, MIRRI holds over 600,000 strains of microorganisms and microbiological resources, over 70 different types of services (including training, education and consultancy offers) with more than 30 workflows and has more than 300 direct participants and beneficiaries in the organisation.
MIRRI will soon be recognised as an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) to serve users from biosciences and bioindustry by facilitating access to a broad range of high quality bioresources and data in a legally compliant way. Through collaboration with other research infrastructures and by working with public authorities and policy makers, MIRRI contributes to the advancement of research and innovation in Europe to create a sustainable, competitive and resilient bioeconomy.
Whether as an expert, a Member State, an academic institution or a culture collection, MIRRI offers its members the opportunity to be part of a large and dynamic laboratory as a whole, sharing and exchanging knowledge, providing services, gaining visibility and playing a unique role in the European scientific research and innovation landscape of Food, Health, Agriculture, Energy, Environmental Sciences and more. MIRRI’s membership is open to a range of stakeholders in the global innovation community. With the objective of exploiting MIRRI’s resources through collaboration with other RIs in Europe and Latin America thereby advancing bioscience innovation and research, these two events have been set up with the aim of presenting opportunities to bring innovation actors in Life Sciences and biotechnology to the same table. In synergy with RI-VIS, a Horizon 2020 funded project designed to increase the visibility of European research infrastructures (RIs) to new communities in Europe and beyond, IS_MIRRI21 partners and innovation actors from Research and Development (R&D) frameworks in Europe will present funding opportunities for joint collaboration in the above-mentioned domains and how to become a member of MIRRI’s network.
Both agendas for the webinar on 15 June and workshop on 17 June can be found here as well as in the web site of MIRRI-IT at Agenda of IS_MIRRI21 virtual events: Matchmaking for Horizon Europe opportunities and MIRRI membership.
Where to register?
Registration for both events is free but compulsory in order to receive the links and updates prior to the event. Registration is open until the launch of the events.
Registration link: https://forms.gle/fYr6f3rHchNjG3yF9
Contact us
For any additional information, please contact Franciscorocha@spi.pt and tedoraaibu@spi.pt.
MIRRI introductory video
We have the pleasure of sharing with you the introduction video for IS_MIRRI21.
The video is available on the IS_MIRRI21 website and YouTube channel.
MIRRI Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda 2021-2030
Putting microbes at the service of society and the bioeconomy
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
for 2021-2030
Braga, Portugal, 25 March 2021
The Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure (MIRRI), a pan-European research infrastructure that brings together over 50 scientific institutions, from 11 countries, has disclosed today its “Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda 2021-2030”.
Under the motto “Microbial resources for a green, healthy and sustainable future”, the Agenda intends to anticipate major trends and opportunities for the valorisation of microbial resources (i.e., microorganisms/microbes and their derivatives) for the sustainable development of society and the economy.
Historically used by humankind for its own benefit (for example, in food processing and preservation processes), microbial resources are today widely used by bioindustries in multiple applications, such as the production of medicines (for example, vaccines and antibiotics), food and beverages, biofertilizers, biopesticides, biofuels, or in the treatment and valorisation of waste and residues.
According to the Executive Director of MIRRI, Luís Soares, “the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda reveals MIRRI’s Vision to boost the use of microbial resources by the scientific community and bioindustries, until the end of this decade, in response to some of the greatest societal, environmental and economic challenges that Europe and the World will face, such as those related to the circular economy, human and planetary health, food security and safety, climate transition, decarbonisation or biodiversity”, adding that “MIRRI’s Strategic Agenda can serve as an inspiration for governmental authorities and for other agents of society and the economy in defining policies, programmes and initiatives that can lead to a more sustainable development”.
MIRRI’s Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda 2021-2030 is available for download at www.mirri.org.
IS_MIRRI21 Newsletters
IS_MIRRI21 challenges the users to communicate with it to continue strengthening the MIRRI community as never before and visit its website and social media to stay updated on IS_MIRRI21’s activities.
See all IS_MIRRI21 Newsletters here.
Up to today, two issues have been delivered and you can reach them singularly:
First Newsletter #1
Second Newsletter #2
IS_MIRRI21 Transnational access (TNA) Call opens
The first call for proposals from the IS_MIRRI21 Transnational access (TNA) programme opened on the 25th of January 2021
The first call under the Transnational Access programme of IS_MIRRI21 has been launched on January 25, 2021.
This call for proposals invites users from research organisations and companies (in the fields of biotechnology, agro-food, pharmaceuticals, environment, etc.) to apply for funded access to one or several of the 14 IS_MIRRI21 partners facilities across Europe.
The TNA offers on-site and remote access to a wide variety of microbial resources and facilities to conduct scientific studies.
The TNA online portal is now available with full details on the eligibility, access providers, submission and reporting rules and guides, and more.
Applicants are required to contact the access officer (tna@mirri.org) for pre-feasibility evaluation of their projects prior to the submission of the proposal.
The list of services, products and facilities as well as the workflows can be found on the TNA Catalogue.
For more information, visit the TNA PORTAL at: https://ismirri21.mirri.org/project-platforms/tna/.
IT manager position at CECT – Valencia
See the Call (Catalan and Spanish)
- Contribute in the development and testing of the applications generated within the project.
- Develop tools for the interconnection of the project applications with other Research Infrastructures applications.
- Monitor performance of information technology systems to determine cost and productivity levels, and to make recommendations for improving the IT infrastructure.
- Help define IT infrastructure strategy, architecture, and processes.
- Troubleshoot hardware and software issues related to internal IT.
Education and experience:
- Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Information Systems, or a related field, or equivalent experience.
- 2-5 years of experience working in IT operations.
- Proficiency in English (oral and written).
- Firm grasp on IT infrastructure and operations best practices.
- Proven working experience in IT management or relevant experience.
- Experience in metadata, ontologies, integration and interoperability of data, security and usability.
- Knowledge of cloud services PaaS and SaaS.
- Proficiency in web scripting languages (php, Python, etc.).
- Experience in web development tools (jQuery, Vue.js, Agilent, BootStrap, etc.).
- Hands-on experience with xml.
- Experience in relational (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) and non-relational (MongoDB, etc.) database management systems.
- Working experience in Research Infrastructures and in Life Sciences research projects would be an asset.
If you are interested please contact Aurora Zuzuarregui.
IS_MIRRI21 Executive Director Call
See the Official Call
An international selection tender is open for recruitment in the form of an uncertain term contract concluded under the Labour Code, of 1 (one) doctoral position for the exercise of scientific research activities in the scientific area of management and leadership in S&T in the scientific areas of biology, microbiology, biotechnology, bioengineering, or other related experimental life sciences, business management and economics, political science and management, for the project IS_MIRRI21 – Implementation & Sustainability of Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure for 21st Century, Ref. 871129, financed by the European Commission, with a view to the development activities as “Executive Director” within the research infrastructure MIRRI during the lifetime of IS_MIRRI21 project (max. 36 months) with the follow key responsibilities and accountabilities of the role:
- with the Project Coordinator, assist to administrate the IS_MIRRI21 project including the Management Backoffice;
- prepare decisions, programs and policies for adoption by the General Assembly;
- implement decisions, programs and policies adopted by the General Assembly;
- prepare and submit to the General Assembly proposals for the strategy on the collaboration with other Research
Infrastructures; - prepare the procedures of the establishment connexions between the MIRRI national nodes and the Central
Coordination Unit (CCU); - engage and develop strong linkages with MIRRI Members and potential Members and their ministries, funding
agencies, policymakers, stakeholders and other important opinion makers to implement and enlarge MIRRI; - chair the Interim National Coordinators Forum of MIRRI;
- evaluate aspiring new Country Members or Observers to join MIRRI;
- lead high level interaction with European and international bodies and initiatives such as the EC, ECCO, WFCC, etc.;
- engage MIRRI in collaborations with the Life Sciences ESFRI Research Infrastructures;
- represent MIRRI in the Executive boards of the H2020 cluster projects, such as EOSC-Life, and in various meetings
and projects involving Health & Food ESFRI Research Infrastructures, including the ESFRI Life Science (Health & Food) strategy board or the ESFRI forum; - promote coordination with public relations and dissemination activities of MIRRI.
IS_MIRRI21 Brochure available
IS_MIRRI21 is a Horizon 2020 project aimed at implementing MIRRI and securing its long-term sustainability.
See and read the IS_MIRRI21 Brochure and discover how the project will support research, development and innovation in the use and preservation of microbial life for the purpose of basic and applied scientific research.
LifeWatch is hiring a Project Manager
LifeWatch ERIC is looking to hire a Project Manager for ENVRI-FAIR Project.
- LOCATION: LifeWatch ERIC Service Centre premises in Lecce (Italy) and LifeWatch ERIC Statutory Seat in Seville (Spain)
- POSITION: Full-time, 12 months with the possibility of renewal on a yearly basis for a maximum of 36 months in total
- DEADLINE for applications: 30 June 2020
Further information is available in the Work with us section of the LifeWatch ERIC website.
LS RI resources for COVID-19
A new website, lifescience-ri.eu, brings together the vast services of 13 Life Science (LS) Research Infrastructures (RIs) in order to advance research in the life sciences.
This website aims to be a common source of comprehensive information about the 13 European LS RIs, their activities, offers, news and funding opportunities. Their joint service catalogue allows to identify which RI might be able to meet a certain user need. The success stories illustrate how access to RI resources can advance research projects.
While content is still being added to the site, a dedicated page on LS RI resources for research on COVID-19 is now available. Please take a careful look at what services and resources are being made available immediately for the scientific community at large.