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IS_MIRRI21 Virtual Kick-off Meeting
About 50 researchers from more about 20 parnters are watching the presentations given by Workpackage leaders and participating in a intense and lively discussion.
The Joint Research Unit MIRRI-IT is represented by Cristina Varese, Luciana De Vero, Giancarlo Perrone and Paolo Romano, each of them representing her/his Institution, that is partner of the project.
On the first day, presentations on Project Management, Outreach and Dissemination, Research, Governance, Trans-National Access and Training will be given.
On the second day, presentations on the Collaborative Working Environment, Enlargement and Sustainability will follow.
The closing session will allow to define an action plan and to provide all partners with administrative guidelines.
EMMRI – Call for applications
The “Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructures” (EMMRI) is an International management development Programme jointly developed by European Research Infrastructures in the context of the RItrain EU funded project and tailored to the specific needs of Research Infrastructures.
It is designed to give experienced science professionals the skills and knowledge they need to take on greater managerial responsibilities.
Please refer to the following document for an overview: EMMRI III Master programme at a glance.
For further information:
- visit www.emmri.unimib.it/en or
- get in touch with Lorenzo Merignati, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano (email: lorenzo.merignati@unimib.it).